Saturday, March 11, 2023

What, no fsck?

There was a huge amount of resistance early on to the fact that zfs didn't have an fsck. Or, rather, a separate fsck.

I recall being in Sun presentations introducing zfs and question after question was about how to repair zfs when it got corrupted.

People were so used to shoddy file systems that were so badly implemented that a separate utility was needed to repair file system errors caused by fundamental design and implementation errors in the file system itself that the idea that the file system driver itself ought to take responsibility for managing the state of the file system was totally alien.

If you think about ufs, for example, there were a number of known failure modes, and what you did was take the file system offline, run the checker against it, and it would detect the known errors and modify the bits on disk in a way that would hopefully correct the problem. (In reality, if you needed it, there was a decent chance it wouldn't work.) Doing it this way was simple laziness - it would be far better to just fix ufs so it wouldn't corrupt the data in the first place (ufs logging went a long way towards this, eventually). And you were only really protecting against known errors, where you understood exactly the sequence of events that would cause the file system to end up in a corrupted state, so that random corruption was either undetectable or unfixable, or both.

The way zfs thought about this was very different. To start with, eliminate all known behaviour that can cause corruption. The underlying copy on write design goes a long way, and updates are transactional so either complete or not. If you find a new failure mode, fix that in the file system proper. And then, correction is built in rather than separate, which means that it doesn't need manual intervention by an administrator, and all repairs can be done without taking the system offline.

Thankfully we've moved on, and I haven't heard this particular criticism of zfs for a while.

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