Monday, August 29, 2016

The Tribblix filesystem layout

On Solarish systems, the filesystem(5) manpage gives a good description of where in the directory tree you might find the various files associated with a piece of software.

The version in illumos is largely broken, in that many of the directories referenced make no sense at all for illumos itself, and are largely wrong for the various illumos distributions. In particular, some of the directories are very specific to the old Solaris Java Desktop System, or JDS, and relate to GNOME.

Now, how does Tribblix handle all this?

For anything inherited from illumos-gate, I simply put files wherever illumos-gate put them.

For anything I build and ship, I normally build with a --prefix of /usr. And, for most packages, that's the only thing I set. What this means is that for most packages, --sysconfdir is /usr/etc and --localstatedir would be /usr/var. I do not redirect --sysconfdir to /etc by default. In most cases I think I've done the right thing, to be honest, as often the files that would have been put into /etc aren't meaningfully editable in any case.

In those cases where the application does expect user-editable configuration, I will set --sysconfdir to /etc. This covers things like BIND, samba, cups, openssh, and the like.

Laying things out like this helps with things like sparse-root zones. I'm loopback-mounting /usr read-only, and that neatly catches everything (and ensures the parts of a package are consistent).

On the subject of zones, in a sparse-root zone /lib is inherited, which causes a problem. The SMF manifests and method scripts are now stored under /lib, and some are only relevant to the global zone. To handle this, I make a fixed copy of /lib for sparse-root zones to use, that doesn't have any errant SMF services present.

In order to be able to add my own services to zones, I make sure the manifests live under /var, which is unique to a zone.

I also handle /opt specially. According to filesystem(5), this is the "Root of a subtree for add-on application packages." The idea has always been that 3rd-parties pick a directory there and have that as their own dedicated prefix. (As an aside, I've always found the use of /etc/opt/foo and /var/opt/foo to be incredibly confusing, as it basically splatters the files associated with a given application all over the filesystem, making it very hard to keep track of things. Which is one of the reasons I just specify the prefix and put everything under the one root if I can.)

And what I do with /opt is mandate that it's not inherited by zones. Anything installed in /opt won't automatically be inherited by a zone. If you want it in a zone, you need to make sure it gets added there.

For my own applications designed for zones - particularly services, I put them under /opt/tribblix, so that an application foobar lives in /opt/tribblix/foobar, its configuration under /opt/tribblix/foobar/etc, and the like. Again, it's easier to see everything clearly if there's only one place to look. This layout makes it easy to run services in sparse-root zones, as the OS in /usr is read-only and the application never needs to touch that.

Modulo dependencies, anyway. That's a problem I haven't really solved, as some applications depend on packages that live in /usr, so I need some way to ensure that the right packages are installed in the global zone (or the zone template).

Solaris also had the notion of subsystems. For example, CDE (the dt subsystem) lived under /usr/dt, /var/dt, /etc/dt and the like. Again, I don't follow that. (Although there is the one exception which is that I install CDE under /usr/dt, because that's where it's always lived.) Most things are either generic (so live directly in /usr) or are  services that live under /opt/tribblix for zone support.

The exception to this are packages that live under /usr/versions in Tribblix. The main idea here is for things that might come in more than 1 version. For example, python 2 vs python 3. Or the various versions of Node.js or Java. Here the convention is that the application lives in a versioned directory under /usr/versions, allowing multiple versions of an application to coexist. (One or two things end up under /usr/versions even though there's no meaningful need to ever support multiple versions, when I need to put something in it's own directory hierarchy rather than directly in /usr, just to avoid having to create another standard location. Sort of like subsystems, but more tightly managed.) I'll generally put convenience links in the default path, although sometimes that involves picking a default version.

This all mirrors how I used to install software on Solaris 10 with zones many years ago. It's designed with zones in mind, and has been pretty sucessful.

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